Thursday, November 19, 2009

Two Women

The film that we watched in class for the 'Women in Islam' group titled Two Women. This film told a powerful story of a woman who had a passion for getting an education. She started off going to college and then discovered that she had a stalker. The stalker complicated her life and put her in a situation which seemed as if she had dishonored the family. In order to regain her honor back into the family she had to marry someone. Her family and one of her male suitors arranged for her to get married to him. She did not want to marry him she wanted to continue on with her education and not be distracted. However her family felt so strongly about her marrying him in order to salvage the family honor that she was forced to. Her husband bribed her into marrying him by promising her she could go back to school. After the marriage things were very different she was not allowed to go to school or do simple everyday things like use the telephone to call her friends. The rest of the movie carried on to show how painful and hard her life was as an Islamic woman that was being manipulated by her over controlling husband. I thought this film was very good, but also very sad. It showed how woman in the Middle East sometimes in marriages are just seen as objects or property of the male. They have no choice or say in the marriage or in who they marry. Islamic customs of marriage are definately different then American customs. I also took into consideration that this film was made a few years back and marriage customs and the treatment of women have changed slightly since then. I know that today women in the Middle East have more rights then they used to.

Women's Rights in the Middle East

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