Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Memed My Hawk

I apologize for being so far behind on my blog! I had two exams last week, but still want to share my thoughts.

I thought
Memed My Hawk written by Yashar Kemal, was a very intriguing and adventurous story. I would disagree when people in class thought of it to be a 'boy' novel because I enjoyed reading it as well, but I also like reading novels that have a lot of action in them and are exciting to read. Although it was a bit longer of a book I thought it did a good job of keeping the readers attention. There were not many parts that were slow and boring. Memed is talked about in many different review as being the Turkish 'Robinhood' and I would have to agree. Although he was a bandit he was seen as a hero by many. Memed and his mother were treated poorly during his whole childhood. In the novel Memed seeks justice and avengance upon the Agha, who has done many things that has made Memeds life more difficult. This novel is full of action, yet also has a softer romantic side to it when it talks about his relationship with his love Hatche. Which is why I think the novel would appeal to both males and females that are looking to read a good story.

Also I found the movie online... I have yet to watch it so I am not sure if it shares the same story as the novel.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear you say you like it -- your comments will be perfect to quote in the book!
