Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blood and Oil

Oil is one of the most important resources that Americans use today. We have been struggling ever since World War II to recover from all of the oil that we consumed, but has our attempt to recover more oil due to the war caused a war of it’s own? The film blood and oil explained how the war in Iraq could be because of Americas attempt to control oil supplies. One interesting point that was made was that America always wants to take part in everything. That we do not trust other nations to do things and we always want to do it our way. We have so many government ran facilities and military bases in other countries because we always have to be involved. However if other countries wanted to be involved in America, they are seen as a threat. One thing about the film that interested me was that when they discussed the writings and quotes they found from Osama Bin Laden. How a lot of his materials showed that his anger towards America was caused by oil. If America was not so oil greedy, would September 11th ever happen? If America had not put these leaders in power because of our struggle for oil, would the world be at peace? I would like to hope that in the future we continue to research methods for alternative oil uses and stop trying to regain all of the oil that we lost. By creating our own resources and saving oil by using greener methods we would be able to leave these Middle Eastern countries alone and save a lot of conflict from happening.


  1. I thought that the picture you used in relation to your blog was very clever. By want to be involved in everything the United States is shooting its own foot.

  2. I do think that we should try to attempt to find other alternative sources for fuel, just as you said... But I think 9/11 still would have happened, especially since one of the reasons that Bin Laden gave for the attack was the US' support of Israel. You should read the book the "Looming Tower;" it is a NY Times bestseller, and is excellent... in all your spare time, I'm sure!

  3. I agree with you, and with Ashley, that it is high time to make a serious effort to find energy sources other than oil!!
